Are you READY for LASTING change?

If you’re a thyroid patient seeking lasting change (a lifestyle approach) then this brand new 8-week coaching program is designed for you.

I believe in Keeping It Super Simple (The KISS Principle) because small simple steps can lead to significant lasting transformations.

A simple and effective approach is key.

Whether you’ve been recently diagnosed with a thyroid condition or have been on this journey for some time and are ready to FEEL GREAT AGAIN, this program will meet you where you are at.

You’ve probably already been searching, reading and learning about living with a thyroid issue. You will have read about making various diet & lifestyle changes. Perhaps it sounds a bit confusing or too hard (how do I live without bread?). Not sure where to start?

I’ve got you covered. I’ve been on the thyroid health journey since 1996 & I’ve tried almost everything, and know what works (& what doesn’t!).

 watch this video!

What will be covered?

Everything you need to start developing your own unique “thyroid-friendly lifestyle” that will LAST.

PREP: Read Let’s Talk Thyroid! (PDF included but if you want a physical copy buy here)

Week 1: Thyroid Basics | Overview. Why KISS?

Week 2: Your Thyroid Story | Past, Present & Future.

Week 3: Your Mindset | Change how you think about your health.

Week 4: Your Thyroid-Friendly Food Adventure | Focus on reducing inflammatory foods.

[Weeks 4-7 will include my signature ‘Kickstart’ program – 30 days focused on gluten, grain, dairy & sugar free, thyroid-friendly foods]

Week 5: Your Path to Unwinding | Why it is critical you learn to manage stress.

Week 6: Your Thyroid-friendly Exercise | Find workouts that make you strong & don’t set you back.

Week 7: Your Low Tox Life | Reduce your daily exposure to thyroid harming chemicals.

Week 8: Your Unique Thyroid-Friendly Lifestyle | Staying on track over the long term.

how will the 8 weeks work?

The program will be delivered as follows:

This is personal (not group) coaching. I will work with you directly to hold your hand as you make thyroid-friendly changes across various aspects of your life. We can tweak the program to your individual needs.I’ve been there, I’ve made these changes, I can support you to do the same.

4 x 30 min 1 on 1 coaching sessions with Annabel – one at the beginning to help you set up for success and then every 2nd week during the 8 weeks.

Weekly email Each Sunday you will receive an email that contains a weekly set up video (these will be part education and information and part life application of the principles discussed) and workbook to guide you through the activities around the theme of the week (this is where you do-the-work).

Weekly Check-in We will arrange time between us for a quick weekly check-in to see how you’re going that week, address any roadblocks and celebrate your wins.


You will also get:

Program Guidebook

This has all the getting started information in it so you feel ready to go as soon as the program starts.

30 Day Journal

This will be used during weeks 4-7 when there is a focus on dietary changes. The journal will help you to track symptoms, changes and also has a daily affirmation for you to contemplate, write about and say!

Food Recipes & Ideas

 Like the journal this will help you with making dietary changes. It it are loads of recipes and food inspiration. You won’t feel like you’re missing out. You’ll be amazed at all the yummy food that’s thyroid-friendly.


You also get me and my 27 years of Hashimoto’s experience. I am available to you during the 8 weeks to help guide you, answer questions, coach you through roadblocks, cheer you on and support you. Whilst you have to do the work, I will be there alongside you as your guide.

By the end of the 8 weeks you will

Have learnt the basics of living a long and happy life with a thyroid condition.

Understand how your thyroid works and all the other systems in your body impacted by the thyroid.

Understand the importance of keeping on top of your thyroid health from a holistic perspective.

Have your own thyroid support team in development.

Be clear about your own thyroid story – what your root causes are, how to manage your thyroid journey and what your next steps are.

Have improved the way you think about your body, your thyroid and your health.

Have a positive long term, thyroid-friendly mindset.

Know what works for you to unwind, set boundaries and manage the daily stressors in your life so you don’t live in constant thyroid-flares.

Have eliminated typically inflammatory foods for at least a month and be on a path to identifying which foods are your friend and which ones you’re better off without.

Be experiencing less thyroid symptoms. Less fatigue, less bloating, less brain fog, less inflammation and weight.

Be clear about ways you can reduce your daily exposure to thyroid-toxic chemicals and have started to replace some products around your home with cleaner alternatives.

Know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE in your thyroid struggles.

Have a clear path forward and feel empowered to be the driver of your own thyroid health journey.

Sound like just what you need?


This is for you if:

✅ You have Hashimoto’s, Hypothyroidism, Graves Disease, Hyperthyroidism or have no thyroid.

✅ You’re sick of feeling thyroid-tired, bloated, puffy and like your health is out of your control.

✅ You want your old self back.

✅ You’re newly diagnosed and need some help to get started.

✅ You haven’t made any dietary changes yet because it seems too hard OR you’ve tried to make a few changes but haven’t really stuck with it.

✅ You’re ready to take serious action.

✅ You’re willing to make changes for the long term.

✅ You want to improve your relationship with your mind & body and you’re not looking for a quick fix approach.

✅ You want some personalised guidance, support and cheering on to help keep you on track.

This is NOT for you if:

❌ You’re looking for a quick-fix.

❌ You want a detailed meal plan. (I give you lots of guidance in the food part and ideas but won’t tell you specifically what to eat each meal).

❌ You’re not willing to do the work.

❌ You’ve done ‘everything’ (I mean seriously you’ve made significant diet & lifestyle changes and sustained them over time and still are experiencing significant health issues) You may need more personalised guidance. Feel free to message me to see if it’s suitable for you.

❌ You are committed to a vegan or vegetarian diet. This is not within my knowledge or experience, you’ll be best helped by someone else.

And if you need

one more reason:

You are worthy of good health.


It’s time to take control!


I have a question BEFORE I COMMIT

Have a question, or not sure if this is right for you or not? Send me an email and I’ll answer you. We might arrange a short chat to talk it through too. Annabel x

...I've got a medical condition?

If you have a medical condition and you are unsure about whether doing this program will be suitable for you, please consult your health practitioner first.

This program does not provide medical or nutritional advice. It is a coaching style program.

...I have special dietary requirements?

No worries! You will be able to adapt the program to your needs. The focus here is removing foods that are typically inflammatory and eating nutrient rich foods. There are no set ‘meal plans’.

...I want a detailed meal plan?

This might not be for you!  This is not a program with weekly meal plans and shopping lists, counting points/calories or grams and food journalling. This is a coaching and accountability program.

To me a meal-plan approach feels very ‘diet-y’ to me and I’m not a fan of that. This is about kickstarting a healthier relationship with food and your body. It’s a lifestyle approach.

I will provide recipes, ideas, tips & tricks and help to get you started and prepared, but you will have to put some effort in planning your meals and adapting the challenge to your own lifestyle which is far better for you in the long run.


...I'm already following a gluten free diet, will this benefit me?

This program is about SO much more than food. It’s just one of the 4 pillars covered. Having said that, I know dietary changes are important. If you’ve already made some dietary changes, you have a head start. I’ve found though that there is benefit on re-examining and making tweaks to your diet, so perhaps you can use this program to make other changes or tweaks, or to simply go a bit deeper into other aspects of your thyroid-friendly lifestyle.

...I need help or have questions during the program?

No problem! You will be able to ask questions by emailing or messaging Annabel anytime.

...I have a different question not covered here.

If you’re question isn’t covered here, please send me an email with your question to and I’ll answer it.