Michelle’s thyroid story
Sharing our thyroid stories does a few things. It raises awareness of thyroid health as we all have slightly different experiences. It helps those telling the stories reflect on where they have come in their journey and it offers hope for those still struggling with their own health.
Michelle’s thyroid story offers all these things. Michelle was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid in her early twenties and was put on medication but her thyroid antibody levels were never tested. It wasn’t until about 25 years later she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s.
Trusting her instincts that she wasn’t ‘crazy’ she kept trying to get help. This seems to be a common story for those not yet diagnosed with Hashimoto’s… they know something isn’t ‘right’ but have trouble identifying what it is.
Michelle has done a lot of inner work on her attitude, mindset and taken responsibility for managing her health. She’s taken time to build a supportive ‘team’ around her – moving to a quieter place, some good friends, a doctor & naturopath to work with and loves our online Let’s Talk Thyroid Community too.
It’s funny because without her realising, she covers a few things we covered in last weeks episode too about saying no!
Thank you Michelle for sharing your thyroid story with us all, I know many will benefit.
Suspect you have a thyroid issue? PLEASE trust your instincts and get it thoroughly checked out with your health practitioner. This thyroid basics page has an overview of what tests to ask for and an affiliate link to use a private lab if your doctor won't order them.
Disclaimer: This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The KISS Thyroid Coaching Program is all about Keeping It Super Simple as you implement your thyroid-friendly lifestyle over 8 weeks of personal 1 on 1 coaching.
Everything I know about living a thyroid-friendly lifestyle I've put into a book. Let's Talk Thyroid: Positive & Practical Thyroid Help
Let's Talk Thyroid is a mix of my experiences, interviews with my community and thyroid experts from around the world..